Lab Photos

Jason gives a talk at MSU's Department of Communication.
Jason gives a talk at MSU's Department of Communication.
Ryan’s farewell and beginning of the semester lunch.
Ryan’s farewell and beginning of the semester lunch.
Olivia and Ryan pose for The OSU Alumni Magazine’s coverage of research in the lab.
Olivia and Ryan pose for The OSU Alumni Magazine’s coverage of research in the lab.
We won a Top Paper Award at NCA.
We won a Top Paper Award at NCA.
Austin presenting her work at the Hayes Forum. She won third place.
Austin presenting her work at the Hayes Forum. She won third place.
Ryan presents his research project at ICA.
Ryan presents his research project at ICA.
Jared presents at NCA.
Jared presents at NCA.
Dinner to celebrate the end of a massive data collection effort.
Dinner to celebrate the end of a massive data collection effort.
Michael reading Macbeth.
Michael reading Macbeth.

Communication and Cognitive Systems Lab Location
The Communication and Cognitive Systems Lab is a research laboratory within the School of Communication at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.

Building 046

242 W 18th Avenue

Columbus, OH 43210